Free tours of Marabottini Collection at Palazzo Baldeschi – Perugia

Palazzo Baldeschi – from 12/20/2015 to 03/31/2016

Inaugurated in December, in the historical complex of Palazzo Baldeschi, the Marabottini Collection can be visited free of charge until March 31, 2016, and is composed of approximately seven hundred works, including paintings, sculptures, drawings, engravings, miniatures, waxes, glass, ivory, porcelain and furniture, ranging from the sixteenth to the twentieth century and set up permanently in Perugia, owned by the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio of Perugia, according to the will of the Collector.

The collection is arranged on two floors of the building and takes you along a fascinating chronological / thematic path: figure painting, landscape and genre of the sixteenth and seventeenth century, alternating with religious paintings and other rare works.

From Tuesday to Thursday from 15 to 19 and from Friday to Sunday from 11 to 19, closed on Mondays.

Palazzo Baldeschi al Corso
Corso Pietro Vannucci, 66, Perugia
tel.+39 075 5734760 – 5725981